TREVO stent-retriever mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke secondary to large vessel occlusion registry.

Title : TREVO stent-retriever mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke secondary to large vessel occlusion registry

Source : CINAHL
ID : 28963367
Authors : Zaidat, Osama O.; Castonguay, Alicia C.; Nogueira, Raul G.; Haussen, Diogo C.; English, Joey D.; Satti, Sudhakar R.; Chen, Jennifer; Farid, Hamed; Borders, Candace; Veznedaroglu, Erol; Binning, Mandy J.; Puri, Ajit; Vora, Nirav A.; Budzik, Ron F.; Dabus, Guilherme; Linfante, Italo; Janardhan, Vallabh; Alshekhlee, Amer; Abraham, Michael G.; Edgell, Randall
Year : 2018
Disease Category : Cardiovascular diseases
Focused Population : Not Specified
Priori/Posteriori : Posteriori
Single-study Generalibility? : Single
Score/Non-Score : Non-score
Tutorial/Method : NHANES_T2D
Compared general demographic and patient characteristics : Yes
Compared disease-specific clinical characteristics : Yes
Compared adverse events : No
Compared outcomes/treatment effect (including survival) : No
Trial participants vs. general population (from EHR, survey, a cohort, etc) : Yes
Real-world data sources : TREVO Stent-Retriever Acute Stroke (TRACK) Registry
Target Population Data Type Levels : National